G.R.E.A.T Program

Violence Prevention

Currently Officer Tom Smythe is working as a School Resource Officer (SRO) and is also responsible for many of the community policing activities. This school year he has been teaching the G.R.E.A.T. program to the students at Providence Creek Academy and more recently at Clayton Elementary School. 

The G.R.E.A.T. program is a violence prevention curriculum that teaches students the important skills to help avoid gangs, violence, drug abuse, and crime. The purpose is to help students develop beliefs and practice behaviors that will help them avoid destructive habits. Through the cooperation of the schools, over 500 students ranging from grades 3 through 8 are currently participating in the program.

Internet Safety
In addition to the G.R.E.A.T. program, the Clayton Police Department is in the process of developing an internet safety program which will be offered to not only students but to their parents and other members of the family. 

Internet predators have reached almost epidemic levels not only in the scholastic environments but also in the community at large.